Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Due to the highly perishable nature and limited shelf life of our products, all sales are final. Cancellations will only be accepted prior to your order being processed by our fulfillment center. Orders cannot be stopped or redirected once fulfilled.


We expedite the processing of all orders. Once shipped, delivery is entrusted to the courier. Refunds are not given if the courier fails to deliver the shipment on time. If your delivery address is inaccessible at the time of delivery, it is at the courier’s discretion to determine if the shipment will be left at the address or if delivery will be attempted the next day.

Incomplete Orders

Upon receipt, please check that your order is complete and refrigerate your items right away. If your order is not correct, please contact us immediately. We will review the order and respond accordingly. Missing items will not be shipped. In most cases, a partial refund will be provided if a mistake was made when processing your order.


Refunds will not be issued if results are not as expected. Please note that results from the use of Defense Tea are unique to each user. All statements and claims made on this site are in good faith. However, the accuracy, efficiency, validity, inclusiveness, or practicality of any information herein, cannot be guaranteed. Variables such as personal diet, activity level, medical history and other factors will influence the results affiliated with the use of our products. Any results or experiences presented on this site do not comprise a warranty, assurance or projection regarding the results of any person for any issues.

Consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any diet, exercise, or introducing the use of supplements or medications to your daily routine. Defense Tea makes no medical or health claims of any kind regarding the use of the products listed on this site. We do not guarantee weight loss, improvement of health conditions, or any other changes as related to your mental or physical health with the use of our products.

Statements made on about the products or potential benefits have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. There are potential side effects associated with some plants and herbs. Consult with a healthcare professional immediately should any health concerns arise. Defense Tea accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of any information presented on this website.