Sweet Earth Case 12oz – 18pack


Sweet Earth

As the newest addition to our selection of teas, Sweet Earth has been tweaked and enhanced to perfection! The fusion of beetroot powder, elderberries, and sorrel (hibiscus)yields a naturally sweet flavor without the addition of refined sugars, and additionally provides a blast of immunity-boosting health benefits! Besides fiber, beetroots also contain folate, manganese, vitamin C, potassium, and iron; these vitamins and minerals help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Both sorrel and elderberries are anti-inflammatory and chock full of antioxidants, boosting your immune system and protecting your heart. This is one tea you won’t want to miss out on! 

Serve this refreshing tea chilled!

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Sweet Earth

As the newest addition to our selection of teas, Sweet Earth has been tweaked and enhanced to perfection! The fusion of beetroot powder, elderberries, and sorrel (hibiscus) yields a naturally sweet flavor without the addition of refined sugars, and additionally provides a blast of immunity-boosting health benefits! Besides fiber, beetroots also contain folate, manganese, vitamin C, potassium, and iron; these vitamins and minerals help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Both sorrel and elderberries are anti-inflammatory and chock full of antioxidants, boosting your immune system and protecting your heart. This is one tea you won’t want to miss out on! 

Serve this refreshing tea chilled!


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